Greetings, my name is Chris - Eat the Cake NYC is my photo biz and we are casting for female models to shoot this Thursday, June 9 in Brooklyn NY.
We will be shooting for a T shirt line name Brooklyn Wildlife for the marketing of one of their logo shirts... we need fun, charismatic models that are into nightlife or look like they would be at a live rock show.. you can see the image of the shirt here
If you are interested in modeling, send me an email at that includes:
PORTFOLIO (not just Modelmayhem #)
Availability Thursday
IT IS A TFP SHOOT.. not money but images and placement on website that gets over 2000 unique views per month and facebook profile with over 5000 friends.
We will be shooting for a T shirt line name Brooklyn Wildlife for the marketing of one of their logo shirts... we need fun, charismatic models that are into nightlife or look like they would be at a live rock show.. you can see the image of the shirt here
If you are interested in modeling, send me an email at that includes:
PORTFOLIO (not just Modelmayhem #)
Availability Thursday
IT IS A TFP SHOOT.. not money but images and placement on website that gets over 2000 unique views per month and facebook profile with over 5000 friends.