I am a photographer in NYC that loves to travel. I would like to create awe inspiring, intensely vivid images that force the observer to question sexuality, identity, and boundaries....enjoy.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Looking for Hair, make up, models etc...

   Rosetta Stoned, an independent hip hop group based in Brooklyn is looking for models, stylist, hair, make up and dancers in the New York area for a short film that will take place the second week of January.  The short is a piece directed by Ian Wolfson (Rex Arrow Films) that will accompany the song... All I Think is Pink.. an ode to passion, eros, and intimacy.  The goal is to create the sexiest visual accompaniment to indie hip hop music ever.!! Dead serious... not video girls dancing on cars.. but stylized, well directed and edited visual art.  Think of Madonna's "Justify my Love" and Fionna Apple's "Criminal" videos.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np_Y740aReI
Photos will also be taken during the shoot by Eat the Cake NYC (professional Photographer in NY) which models will receive when the video is released.

The video will be posted on the band's website as well as You Tube and it will also be submitted to various festivals and on line carriers.
Here is a link to previous videos directed be Rex Arrow Films..

There is no monetary compensation; models, stylists and Mua will receive full credit and the video will be seen by upwards of 20, 000 People over the next couple of months.  You will also receive a copy of the video once it is edited.

We are looking for all body types, races, ethnicities and sexual preferences.  Tall, short, plus size, petite..whatever..  you must be comfortable on camera.
Must have a strong personality and be very energetic...Physically, you must be confident in your body and not afraid to show a little skin.  Nudity is not required but there will be
nudity in the video. 

Here is a link to Rosetta Stoned's music -


Here is a link to EAT THE CAKE NYC - http://eatthecakenyc.viewbook.com

If interested, send me an email to info@chriscarrphoto.com that includes:

email address
link to website/portfolio
availability the day of  JAN 9th 2010
number to contact

thanks - info@chriscarrphoto.com

Sunday, November 22, 2009

808's and Heartbreaks remixes/freestyles

<a href="http://anarchyrap.bandcamp.com/track/heartless-freestyle">Heartless Freestyle by Anarchy Rap</a>

Friday, November 13, 2009

Casting for male and female models in DC and NY...

I am working on a Photo project titled, "Sex is a Weapon".  I will be shooting in DC and NY.
You can see some of my work at http://eatthecakenyc.viewbook.com

This project will directly address sex and sexuality.  Some of the images will be meant to challenge the observer, some of the images will be meant for me to challenge myself (take myself out of my comfort zone), and challenge people's notions of sexuality and intimacy.
My influences for this are Mapplethorpe, Newton and Richardson.

I will be working with at least three other photographers on this project, with the expectation of showing the work towards the beginning of Spring 2010.

Let me know what themes interest you, what themes challenge you and what themes are too much for you...

Here are some of the categories (very tentative)
  -- the human form -- engage viewers and challenge their notions of aesthetic normalcy and beauty
--- biting and scratching---
---gender role ambiguity and same couple intimacy
----general social norms about acceptable sexual behavior
--- privacy verses publicity

I like images that are vibrant, alive with energy and embody a narrative of some sort.. there is always an element of action.. like something just happened or is about to happen or is happening...

If interested, email me at info@chriscarrphoto.com 




Dj Sophie.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kanye West x SPIKE JONZE - we used to be a fairy tale...

this is one of the trippiest videos that I have seen in a long time..

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Photo PArty - bring your short shorts!!!


My name is Chris and I am the photographer from Eat the Cake NYC. I am holding a casting/photo party in Brooklyn on Saturday, Aug 29, 2009.

I am casting for male and female models of all race/ethnic/national backgrounds and all sizes for my portraiture project - I will be photographing as many people as possible wearing short shorts.. like 1970's NBA shorts. I will eventually show these pieces in galleries (NYC and DC)

You can see my work at http://eatthecakenyc.viewbook.com

You can see an examples of short shorts here:

Please respond to info@chriscarrphoto.com with:
Link to on line port:

I will give you details, address and directions.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Casting for One vs Many Advertisement/photoshoot

One vs Many, a boutique clothing company based out of Washington Dc will be conducting a casting for Male and Female models in the New York area for a photo shoot that will take place the week of August 10th.
The photos will be used in Online marketing campaigns as well as print ads, fliers and posters.

There is no monetary compensation; models, stylists and Mau will receive full credit and the ads will be seen be upwards of 20, 000 People over the next couple of months. You will also receive copies of the images that will be used.

We are looking for all body types, races, ethnicities and sexual preferences.
Must have a strong personality and be very energetic...Physically, you must be confident in your body and not afraid to show a little skin (but no nudity).

Here is a link to One vs Many - http://www.1vsm.com/
Here is a link to my photography - http://eatthecakenyc.viewbook.com

If interested, send me an email that includes:

email address
link to website/portfolio
availability the week of the 10th
number to contact


Friday, July 17, 2009


Don't forget, guys and dolls- tonight we have some serious art, music, dancing, and FUN to get into.

$2 beers. Cheap door. Stop by or stay all night.


A super-fun multimedia art-party celebrating everything remixed, remade, repurposed, collaborated, and collaged.

Come early for the genre-bending art show, featuring works by: DAZE — a graffiti legend famous for painting subways in the cult film "Wildstyle", Sinead McCarthy — a porn blogger and naughty photographer, Nate "Igor" Smith — the guy who captures your drunken moments on DrivenByBoredom.com, Gwynn Galitzer — who uses My Little Pony as social commentary, Lenora Jayne, Evan Rosen, Carey Baldwin, Najva Sol, Anoush Dekhordi, Helen Buyniski, and Ari Goldstein. Be prepared for neon-glitter apocalypses, subverted woodblock prints, handcrafted curiousities, and Photoshop wizardry.

In typical Lowbrow Society fashion, we believe that all good art is a reason to party. Rock out to live music by Rosetta Stoned - an indie hip-hop outfit that recently opened for Peaches, Spiral Beach- "electro art fusion pop/trash/dance punk", and Cloud — a J-dilla-esque MPC beatmaker.

Late night Mashup/Electro/Remix/Dirty Dub DJing by: DJ Tommy D, Action Alex, and 12 Inch Endowment. Be prepared for tag-team turntablism and dancing your pants off.

More proof that we love you (and want you to come out)...
SUPER CHEAP DRINKS. Performance by Inbred Hybrid Collective. Interactive exquisite corpse drawings. Short film by Irina Sarnetskaya. Face/body painting. Superhero armor fashion show by Dr. Adventure. 8-bit music.

Feel free to come dressed in your most remixed and ridiculous finery.
Strip naked all the expectations around "art" and get dirty with the unconventional.

Art show: 7-11
Bands/performances: 10:30-1ish
DJ's: 1ish- late-ish

$5 suggested donation before 11:30
$5 mandatory after 11:30
265 McKibbin St. Unit 210

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"Can it be my sanity has slipped"

I wrote the lyrics and I am trying to find the producer..please help me by passing this on to as many music lovers as you know. Thanks.

&amp;amp;amp;lt;a href="http://anarchyrap.bandcamp.com/track/can-it-be-my-sanity-has-slipped"&amp;amp;amp;gt;Can it be my sanity has slipped by Anarchy Rap&amp;amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;amp;gt;

Friday, May 29, 2009